Welcome to my website
Hi, I am Jihwan Jeong and I major in IT. This is my first time building Website and learning about producing digital media content. I quite enjoyed the course and this website will show what I went through. Hope you enjoy it! I made it to fit best on Chrome, resolution of 1280 x 1024. if you use other kind of internet, the pics might not be fit to its layout.
First Project-1 Banner
For the second part of the first project, I chose
a pic of girl holding flower to make icon and a girl holding a flower
beacuse I thought that those two pics fit each other well
and believe they can imply the meaning of hope.
Also, I chose a pic of green field to give some positive feeling.
First Project-2 Icon
For the second part of the first project,
I chose a pic of girl holding flower
to make icon and also a pic of dog
I took myself when I was volunteering at vet.
At first I made it find it difficult
to meet the requirement when I
make the first icon( girl holding a flower)
But I figured out when I made the icon
from a pic of dog.
Second Project - Audio Project
For the second project, I was ordered to make a sound track with using Audacity.
Just before the time I decide to do the assignment, I watched "Harry Poter",
and I made my mind to put one of the lines from the movie.
Since English is not my first language, apologize for influent of speaking English.
I liked the project because it taught me how to use the tool for audio producing
(I sometimes use it for having fun with putting weired sound effect on my voice haha.
Third Project - Video Project
For the third project, I ordered to make a video.
I reused one of the videos I took from the other course and edited
some of the parts so that it can meet the requirments.
I could see that some of the parts did not fit to each other harmoniously like the video quality
but I did not have better idea. Please Enjoy it!